A Word from Bob: I’ve taken the following “quotes of note” from my book Gospel-Centered Marriage Counseling: An Equipping Guide for Pastors and Counselors. I pray that these quotes will be a blessing to you and to the couples you counsel.

A Biblical Vision for Marriage 

The grand purpose of every marriage is to glorify God. Messed up, messy marriages have a great opportunity to bring God glory.

Marriage is a principal tool of sanctification. Marriage is a workroom for two people to become more like Christ. Marriage is soul school.

God calls husbands and wives to be each other’s best biblical counselor. We’re to be each other’s most vital one-another minister, most important encourager, most intimate spiritual friend.

The purpose of marriage is to reveal God’s glory as we represent the Trinity, reflect Christ and the church, and enhance the maturity of our spouse.

God designed marriage to be two people being continually filled individually and together by the Trinity. Out of the overflow of that filling they sacrificially give life to each other so that they grow together in Christlike service for others.

What does a gospel-centered marriage look like? We are to give each other grace-love that

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.