A Word from Bob: You’re reading Part 6 of a 10-part blog series on 10 Common Mistakes Biblical Counselors Sometimes Make.

For Part 1, see: Mistake #1: We Elevate Data Collection Above Soul Connection. (Part 1 also contains further background, explanation, and “motivation” for this series.) For Part 2, see: Mistake #2: We Share God’s Eternal Story Before We Listen Well and Wisely to Our Friend’s Earthly Story. For Part 3, see: Mistake #3: We Talk at Counselees Rather Than Exploring Scriptures with Counselees. For Part 4, see: Mistake #4: We Practice Half-Biblical Counseling If We Address Sin but Neglect Suffering. For Part 5, see: Mistake #5: We Fail to Follow the Trinity’s Model of Comforting Care. Mistake #6: We Tend To View People One-Dimensionally

As I supervise counselors, I frequently notice that counselors have their “pet” perspective of people. We each tend to view people through a primary lens. In biblical counseling:

Some of us see people primarily as thinkers and meaning-makers, and thus our counseling focuses on exposing wrong thinking and renewing the mind. Others of us might view people predominantly as doers and choosers, and our counseling seeks to help

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.