Last night I watched my 9 year old son Liam writhing in pain from a stomach virus that is going through our house. He asked me repeatedly for some medicine to help him but I knew (from experience) that medicine would not help him until he was done throwing up. It was the worst feeling watching him suffer and not being able to take his pain away. It’s not just Liam though, there are a few people dear to me that are suffering in one way or another. I wish I could take their fear, pain and anxiety away but I know that’s not how it works. I feel so helpless and overwhelmed at times like this. Have you ever experienced this before? Are you going through this now? Here are some things to remember from God’s Word when we have loved ones who are suffering.

Be there for them

You can’t change their circumstance but you can change how they experience it by being there for them. Sometimes being there for them means showing up and serving them the best you can in light of the situation. Sometimes it means just sitting quietly. It’s a relief to know that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.