A year ago, or even a month ago, I wouldn’t have believed I’d ever be facing the possibility, and perhaps even the likelihood, of living in near or total lockdown. Yet already here in Ontario we’ve been instructed to venture out as seldom as possible and are just waiting for further restrictions. Meanwhile, parts of America and swaths of Europe have already seen significant lockdown measures put into place. To learn how to do this well, and to prepare as much as possible, I wrote to everyone I could think of in Italy to ask them for tips. This, after all, has already been their reality for at least a couple of weeks. The first response came from pastor Clay Kannard, whom I’ve met during visits to Rome. His tips may be especially helpful for families.


Two weeks ago we received notice that all of the schools would be closing in Rome. The cases of COVID-19 in the north were multiplying and the nation’s leaders were quickly beginning to understand the severity of the situation. Just one week prior, the news began to break about the cases in the north and the new quarantines that were being

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.