There is an extensive list of Kindle deals today, rather a rarity for a Saturday. There are classics and newer works, plus options for kids, teens, and adults.

(Yesterday on the blog: If We All Stream Our Services, Will Anyone Ever Come Back?)

Turning Thunder Into Song

This is a helpful reflection on fear and worship. “My father surprised me one night by telling me he liked thunder. I didn’t like thunder. Thunder made me feel like unseen powers were about to crush my bedroom between their hands. Thunder made me rise and go to my dad and quietly say, ‘I’m scared.’ He came to sit with me for a few minutes while it passed. That’s when he told me he liked thunder. He liked feeling its awesomeness, its greatness.”

The Ibuprofen Debate Reveals the Danger of Covid-19 Rumors

As always, be careful what you read and believe. “Two weeks ago, national and world health authorities—and armchair experts and worried well-meaning people—were warning anyone concerned about Covid-19 to avoid ibuprofen. Now, facing contradictory evidence, they’ve backed off that claim.”

Gone and Back Again: My Departure and Return to the Immigrant Church

I enjoyed Jonathan Szeto’s thoughts on the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.