One third of the world’s population is now in lockdown. Across the globe, people everywhere are staying at home with their families and trying to find a new normal behind closed doors (while trying not to drive each other crazy)! But what about those living alone? They are dealing with the lack of physical touch for weeks on end and have no one to keep them company in-person. If you or someone you know is living alone and is about to go into lockdown, you’ll benefit from hearing wise words from those who have been living alone in lockdown for 10 days or more. From strict lockdowns in the Middle East, to tiny apartments in Paris or Rome, here are some thoughts about how seven single believers are handling this reality. My thanks goes to Lauren Moore (in France) who took the lead on interviewing others and compiling these pointers.

Do Not Be Afraid

While anxiety around COVID-19 is all around us, the idea of going into lockdown also provokes fear in many who live alone—the fear that they will face a deeper kind of isolation. And yet, 10 or more days into lockdown, despite a few ups

To the full-length post originally published on this site.