Coronavirus and Counseling: Free Resources from ACBC

This week on the podcast, I want to deal with an issue that I’ve been burdened about for quite some time. It’s something really at large in the biblical counseling movement that has been on my heart. I think in the current coronavirus pandemic, it’s really brought it back to the forefront of my mind. The topic that I want us to discuss is the issue of heaven’s hope—future hope. How do we think about what I call eschatological hope? That’s the hope that is to come.

To give some context, I think in the biblical counseling movement we’ve felt pressure in some ways to move away from what the Bible really emphasizes. The Bible emphasizes eschatological hope. I don’t think anyone’s done this intentionally, and I even find myself doing this at times. We want to be significant in the broader context of counseling. We want to have academic respectability. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make clear argumentation, have rational thought, make solid arguments about counseling, and not want anything that we say to be against what is revealed in science, and so on and so forth,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.