This week on the podcast, we are going to talk specifically about our situation right now. We are in week 4 or 5—or maybe even 6 depending on where you live—of our stay-at-home orders, our quarantining, our social distancing. We’ve passed the threshold of the adrenaline, where something feels different, and now this is becoming sort of a normal routine. That’s quite different, isn’t it?

Do you feel yourself longing for social relationship? Longing to be with people? Longing to sit with people and to give people a handshake and a hug and just be with each other?

Longing for Community

There’s a reason that we long for that. For we who believe, we long to be in a community together. We long to be with one another. We long to engage in the one anothering of Scripture. A good question I think we can talk about in these days is: How in the world do we engage in one anothering while we’re staying at home and while we’re apart?

I think the Scripture actually gives us some really decent principles to help us with this. This is not really all that different than when we would

To the full-length post originally published on this site.