We were treated to a couple of neat music videos this weekend. CityAlight debuted a new song called “Your Will Be Done” while Grace Worship released a fun version of their adaptation of Psalm 73.

There are, as you’d expect, some new Kindle deals for you to take a look at.

The Bigamist’s Daughter

This is a long and sad but interesting autobiographical article that grapples with the consequences of fatherlessness. It begins like this: “In 1964, when my mother was pregnant with my younger brother, she found out that her husband, my father, had married another woman and that woman was pregnant as well. My father’s new wife had left her family and three small children, and then she and my father had created a subset family, making us a complicated algebraic formula, resistant to logic.”

Personality Tests & the Christian

Redeeming Productivity has a three-part series on personality tests. “First, I would like to evaluate the nature of these tests. This includes their history (where did they come from?) and their purpose (why were they created?). Then I would like to assess the application of these tests. I will look at one of our primary goals as believers and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.