My gratitude goes to Ligonier Ministries for sponsoring the blog this week. They wanted to be sure you know about some of their new products, including the excellent Field Guide on Gender and Sexuality. Canadians will want to know that Ligonier is now partnering with Reformed Book Services to distribute their resources on this side of the border.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few interesting options. Also, I noticed there are a couple of good ones that are going to go live tomorrow and be available for just 24 hours, so maybe check in sometime on Sunday if that’s of interest.

(Yesterday on the blog: Is the Bible Actually Trustworthy?)

We Stopped Catechising

T.M. Suffield considers what the church may have lost when it (largely) stopped catechizing. Importantly, he is referring not only to children, but to adults as well.

Your Pain Has an End Date

Vaneetha Rendall Risner comforts us that our pain has an end date.

The Sexual Revolution’s Great Lie: You’ll Always Be Young

Jonathon Van Maren lays out the Sexual Revolution’s great lie. “The Sexual Revolution has always depended on a concurrent rise in

To the full-length post originally published on this site.