Today on Truth in Love, I want us to go in a direction that unfortunately may be a little uncomfortable—even for we who believe. I want us to talk about repentance and confession. In biblical counseling, this is a big deal. We talk about repentance. We talk about confession quite a bit. We often talk about the importance of repentance. We talk about this with our counselees and help them to understand how and where to repent of sin as the Lord reveals in their life.

Today, what I want to do is certainly not minimize that, but I want to highlight why repentance and confession are so critical when it comes to healing in the soul. I want to focus not so much on the counselee—I want us to start focusing on we who are in ministry, we who are often doing the counseling.

In this era of pandemic, it’s interesting to me what the Lord is doing in many of us. What we are accustomed to—especially as the counselor or the one who is in ministry—is teaching about repentance. We’re accustomed to talking about repentance. We’re accustomed to helping people repent and turn from their

To the full-length post originally published on this site.