Truth In Love · TIL 279: Destroying Strongholds

Well, today is the day. The day that we’ve been longing for, for quite some time around the ACBC offices. Our staff has been well-prepared for this day, October 5th, as we prepare for our Annual Conference. Today, it goes live in a digital format. We’ve never done this before. It’s been an adventure. It’s been quite fun. We’ve enjoyed bringing this process together and we look forward to all of you who are going to join us in our digital format.

Today, our Pre-Conference airs live. We are excited about that and the topic that will be at hand: Biblical Counseling and Legal Issues. We’re looking forward to all of you around the country—and even in other parts of the world—who are going to join us for our Annual Conference talking about the issue of Destroying Strongholds: Spiritual Warfare and Biblical Counseling.

I just want to say a few brief words to encourage you—to get those of you who are joining us for the conference excited about the content that you’re going to hear. I’m so excited about the men and the women who are going to be

To the full-length post originally published on this site.