Amidst all the flurry of activity to care well for their churches during this difficult time, questions like these sit near the top of pastors’ minds: “With giving dropping, what are we going to do?” “Even if there’s enough cash in the bank for the time being, will we be forced to make drastic cuts to our budget over the next year to make the numbers balance?” What will that do to our staff, our missionaries, our plans, and our programs?”

Let me propose three things to keep in mind as you look ahead to a church budget with more-than-usual uncertainty.

1. Remember your real assignment.

Very often a church’s goal for its budget essentially translates into “bigger is better.” That means the possibility of budget cuts feels like an impending disaster. But your assignment from Jesus is not to maintain your same staff, missionaries, and programs. Your assignment from Jesus is to be faithful. Your assignment as a church is to be faithful with whatever he entrusts you, be that little or much, more or less.

In that sense, this is the time to lean into the sovereign goodness of God and rest in his plans for you. His

To the full-length post originally published on this site.