There are lot of different ways churches are handling pre-marriage counseling today. Some churches do nothing. Some churches have a class that couples take, some give couples the assignment of going and talking to a few older couples who have been-there-done-that and offer a few words of counsel, and then some do a form of premarital counseling.
What I want to encourage us to consider is the importance of personal conversations with those about ready to enter the covenant of marriage. I want to suggest several reasons why I personally believe this is really important and it should be part of all of our churches’ missions and passions. First of all, personal meetings are beneficial to your church. They’re beneficial to the mentors in your church. Many of us got into counseling because someone encouraged us to do so, and then as we first began meeting with individuals and we watched God change their life, we said, “All right, bring on some more. I’m excited about this!”
As we watch God work in the lives of people, it encourages us—and don’t we want that to be true for all of the people in our
To the full-length post originally published on this site.