I’ve been a Sr. Pastor, an Associate Pastor, and a Lead Elder. So, I know something about the stresses of pastoral decision-making.

However, I’ve never been a pastor in a pandemic.

So, I find myself praying a lot for my current pastor and the staff and elders at our church, for past churches where we’ve attended, and for my scores and scores of friends who are pastors.

Praying and Planning 

Throughout the book of Nehemiah, God’s leaders always prayed and planned. So, in addition to praying for my pastoral friends, I wanted to provide some planning resources for them. 

8 Resources for Reopening Church Services

Here are 8 resources designed to help pastors, staff, leaders, and people think wisely about reopening in-person services during these COVID-19 days.

Why Humility and Submission Are Especially Important Right Now

My life-long friend, Steve Viars, is Sr. Pastor at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana. If anyone is a “go-getter,” it’s Steve. If anyone is passionate about churches meeting to encourage one another and about churches impacting their community for Christ, it’s Steve. When Steve talks about (and models) humility and submission, we should listen. For biblical wisdom on how to humbly respond to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.