If you find yourself focusing on fixing a behavior or a problem that’s been revealed by a counselee, you would be in good company. Falling into this trap all too often, I began to seek the wisdom of God that would allow me to cease from this unhelpful and potentially damaging counsel. As trained spiritual heart surgeons, biblical counselors know the answer is not in changing the behavior, but exposing the convictions of the heart behind that behavior. We can think of it as “the why behind the what. However, knowing these truths didn’t always play out in the counseling room. I often went into fix-it mode as I sought to address my counselee’s problems. 

Only God Knows the Heart 

In order to shed the faulty image of “fixer, I needed to address three key elements. First, I had to confess the sin of playing the big “C” counselor instead of my true role of little “c” counselor.  Instead of being a helper to the Helper, I usurped His role of revealing the thoughts and intentions of the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.