Adoption has long been valued in the church; we know we are called to care for the orphan. Fortunately, there has been growing understanding of the complexity and challenges of adoption, and church support for adoptive families has increased. However, many churches are unwittingly silent and passive when it comes to foster care families. Why is this?

As a counselor, I have met with many foster families who report that people react to them with a mixture of admiration, trepidation, and ignorance. People are impressed with their commitment, yet still look at them as though they are a bit reckless. Why would someone would invite such “challenges” into their lives and families? For others, it is fear of the unknown. Few people have experienced the foster care system and so they shy away from what is foreign to them. News headlines about a handful of failed foster placements don’t help either. Others are just unaware. They are not tuned into issues surrounding foster care so they do not know what is needed or helpful. But regardless of the reasons people have for not seeing the needs more clearly, foster families are engaged in important ministry and merit assistance from their

To the full-length post originally published on this site.