Sometimes I have business ideas I don’t want to take action on. Like this: the Christian world needs a company that will connect advertisers and podcasters. Tons of people want to podcast, but there’s no seamless path to monetization. Someone ought to figure it out.

Today’s Kindle deals include just a few titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Safest Place for the Weakest People)

Turning the Other Cheek

Michael Aitcheson: “Jesus’ command to turn the other cheek (Matt. 5:38) probably strikes many of us as odd, at least at first. At best, it seems that Jesus is advocating neutrality from the victimized, and at worst it seems that He would have them welcome more harm. A closer look will show a Christ-centered understanding of the believer’s call to be free from a heart of revenge when wronged by others.”

The Coronavirus Crisis as a Wilderness Experience

“To what might we compare this unexpected and unsettling coronavirus season? We might think of it like ‘Groundhog Day’: a repeating monotony of locked-down life. We might think of it like the holding pattern of an aircraft coming in to land: an interminable period of waiting—like that of refugees waiting for a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.