There are some solid Kindle deals for newer books as well as classics. You may also want to take a look at Amazon’s general market monthly deals.

Logos has a commentary that is free for the taking, and a few others that are substantially discounted.

(Yesterday on the blog: COVID-19 and the Future of the Christian Conference)

A Prayer for Mercy

Kevin DeYoung’s prayer for mercy is urgent and timely.

Safetyism Isn’t the Problem

It’s early in the month so you should have some free New York Times articles, right? This one is good, and while it’s directed at the pandemic, much of it is more widely applicable. “If politicians would reject the tribalism of partisanship and do the hard job of listening — with open-mindedness and curiosity — to those with whom they disagree, we’d stand a much better chance of protecting both lives and livelihoods from not only the effects of the pandemic, but the effects of our responses to it.”

Peter Jackson’s LOTR Was an Improbable Miracle, and We’re Lucky to Have It

Can you believe it has been almost 20 years since the first of the Lord of the Rings films was released? “As

To the full-length post originally published on this site.