This week the blog is sponsored by Boyce College, but I want to begin it with a personal note. When my children began to consider their options for college, Aileen and I wanted them to know we would support them in whatever program and whatever college they chose. But we also insisted that before they began their studies, they get a grounding in the Christian worldview. It was for that reason that we took them to Boyce College’s Preview Day where they would be introduced to the Worldview Intensive Year, a gap-year program meant to equip them for further studies and the rest of life. That’s the subject of this post.

Your student’s college plans may have changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it can be difficult to know what to do this fall. Many families are considering the idea of taking a “gap-year” between high school graduation and college entrance. However, taking a year-off can delay accomplishing educational, career, and ministry goals.

Boyce College, the undergraduate school of Southern Seminary, offers a tremendous opportunity for families considering a gap-year. Beginning this fall, Boyce College is offering The Worldview Intensive Year. This one-year program provides first-time college students

To the full-length post originally published on this site.