It occurred to me the other day that it has been almost three months since I shook anyone’s hand—or had any other form of physical contact with any person who is not in my family. And I think the last hand I shook was Paul Washer’s. The last day I was out of the house before everything went into lockdown, he was in town and we spent the afternoon and evening together. The time concluded with me interviewing him as part of our mid-week service. I bid him farewell, shook his hand, went home, and learned a day or two later that we were being asked to stay home indefinitely. And all these weeks later, we’re still being asked to stay home and it’s still essentially indefinite. Our aptly-named Conservative Party is in power here in Ontario and is taking a very cautious approach to the pandemic. While most stores are now free to open (provided they maintain social distancing, of course), we are still expected to stay put as much as possible. We can meet in groups of up to 5 people when necessary, but, again, only with distancing or masking in place. And so we remain

To the full-length post originally published on this site.