Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that are worth a look.

Westminster Books is offering a deal on a new book called Sketches of Faith and, with it, some excellent church history books for kids.

Master Cleanse

This is a fascinating and insightful article on Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility and women’s self-help. “Female self-loathing is still a major moneymaker, the only difference being that the relentless focus on women’s flaws has moved under the skin. Your problem areas are now your problematic areas; it’s your soul, not your cellulite, that needs smoothing.”

4 Reasons to Wear a Mask, Even if You Hate It

I appreciated this, but would like to add a fifth: To humble yourself. Masks are humbling and couldn’t we all use a little more humility? (In Toronto masks are mandatory in all indoor public spaces as of Tuesday, so we’re all getting used to them…)

Pastors on Social Media

Pastors and church leaders would do well to read Jonathan Leeman’s extended thoughts on how pastors should think about their use of social media.

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, July 2020

There is a new issue of Tabletalk magazine available and many of the columns are available to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.