Does biblical submission of a wife position her to be abused by her husband? 

The answer is no. 

Because of the political winds today, Bible-believing Christians are being confused by and even wrongly influenced by the “Me Too and “Feminist” movements. It seems that tried and true complementarian views are coming under unbiblical scrutiny with false and misleading attacks on all sides. By complementarian I mean that a wife is to be a “complement” to her husband (not a compliment). In other words, she is to be a helper to her husband and submit to him unless he asks her to sin.  

Now we know that since the fall of Adam and Eve, there has been a power struggle between everyone on the planet! But it seems, at times, to be especially difficult between husbands and wives. After all, who would not want to have their own way? As a result of sin, many Christian husbands do not love their wives as Christ loved the church and many Christian wives resent their husbands having God-given authority over

To the full-length post originally published on this site.