Author: Martha Peace

Who Can Women Counsel?

When I became a NANC certified counselor thirty years ago, I was number thirteen out of thirteen women certified. There were previously about 100 men and they had to have been pastors and ordained to even qualify. Not long before I was certified, no women were allowed to be certified….
The post Who Can Women Counsel? appeared first on Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

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Does Biblical Submission Encourage Sinful Abuse?

Does biblical submission of a wife position her to be abused by her husband?  The answer is no.  Because of the political winds today, Bible-believing Christians are being confused by and even wrongly influenced by the “Me Too” and “Feminist” movements. It seems that tried and true complementarian views are coming under unbiblical scrutiny with false and misleading attacks on all sides. By…
The post Does Biblical Submission Encourage Sinful Abuse? appeared first on Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

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