“Part of my responsibility is to send younger pastors into the land that I cannot go—the future.”

I heard these words roughly ten years ago while serving as a pastoral intern under Mark Dever. Prior to that I’d been a pastor for seven years, but I had never even considered that faithfulness in gospel ministry meant investing in other pastors. I had struggled enough to be a pastor, let alone help other pastors.

Yet the more I studied Scripture and watched pastors I respected, I became convinced that pastors have the opportunity and responsibility to train other pastors. Not all pastors will do this work the same way, but every pastor should be devoted to the work.

Pastor training isn’t just another item on our to-do-list; in one sense, it’s central to our task. We want to protect and proclaim the gospel not only in our generation but also in the generations to come. We must train younger pastors to take the gospel to the land we cannot go.


As the gospel went forth from Jerusalem, sinners repented and churches were planted. The Lord called Paul and Barnabas to appoint “elders for them in every church, with prayer and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.