Pride. Is there a more pregnant word in the English language? It’s the mother-sin that gives birth to all others. We may sin in many different ways, but it’s impossible to sin without being prideful. And as pastors, we are in ministry to fight against pride and to see an increase in humility. We long to see people come to know, follow, and reflect Jesus—the most humble person who ever lived. But we do this with the irritating, though persistent reminder that we are prideful. Like an itch in our throat in the middle of a sermon, we just can’t clear our throat from the effects of pride.

If we’re going to help our people, we pastors must cultivate humility. We need to grow in our Christlikeness to help others do the same. So how do we do it? Here are a few ways to cultivate humility in ministry.

1. Deploy the ordinary.

If any of our church members asked us how to grow in humility, we know what we’d say. We’d start by telling them of their need to spend time with God in prayer and the Word. And rightly so.

Prayer is an expression of our weakness and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.