Sam Crabtree, Practicing Thankfulness: Cultivating a Grateful Heart in All Circumstances. Crossway, 2021. 129 pages.

The last 12 months have provided plenty of opportunity for discontent. A global pandemic, quarantines, natural disasters, social strife, political division—these traumatic events have caused pain, fear, anxiety, anger, doubt, and despair for many. Thankfulness hasn’t come easy.

But God hasn’t left us in the dark about his purposes. His Word tells us that in a fallen world we should expect trouble and trials. Even so, he’s working all things for our good and his glory. He’s proven his love for us at Calvary and defeated our greatest enemies. He’s purchased an eternal inheritance for us and empowered us with his Spirit. And he’s working in every circumstance to make us like Christ and prepare us for glory. That’s good news—good news that’s powerful enough to conquer ungrateful hearts and replace them with thankful ones.


Practicing Thankfulness by Sam Crabtree is a much-needed resource in waging war against discontent. In the opening line Crabtree writes, “Thankfulness is neither trivial nor inconsequential. On this one quality pivots the difference between maturity and immaturity” (11). The rest of his book expands on

To the full-length post originally published on this site.