My gratitude goes to Westminster Books for sponsoring the blog this week with news of their new referral rewards program.

Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of classics as well as at least one newer book.

Logos users will want to check out the sale on Zondervan products. There are some great deals!

(Yesterday on the blog: How To Talk About God in a Skeptical Age)

J. I. Packer (1926–2020)

J.I. Packer went to be with the Lord yesterday and Justin Taylor has written a thorough obituary. (See also: Christianity Today’s article, WORLD’s article D.A. Carson’s tribute, and John Piper’s tribute.)

Lord of the Rings: The Peter Jackson Remix

If you’ve read and watched The Lord of the Rings you’ll enjoy Keith Mathison’s reflections on what worked and what didn’t work in the transition from page to screen.

To the Friends Who Tell Me “No”

“Our culture is quick to assume that consistent and encouraging friendships must necessarily also be affirming. As I consider each of my closest friendships, however, I see clearly that this is not the case. My best and oldest friends are those who tell me ‘no.’”

Seven Lessons for Productivity

As he reaches the 1500th(!) episode

To the full-length post originally published on this site.