by Scott Mehl

This is a particularly intense season in the world for all of us, and biblical counselors are no exception.  In fact, as biblical counselors, the recent increases in anxiety, fear, anger, and marital conflict probably have us busier than ever.  I know that’s been true for me as a pastor.

But this intense season of a global pandemic, a shuttered economy, skyrocketing unemployment, ongoing protests, and important societal discussions about the impact of race in our country, are all exceedingly complicated by the fact that our country continues to become increasingly divided.  The average American views the world through a politicized lens, and many of the people in our churches, many of our counselees, and far too many of us simply imbibe and adopt those same political lenses, reinforced by the echo chambers of social media and cable news.

However, as biblical counselors, we know there is a way forward through this division.  We’ve seen it demonstrated powerfully in the lives of those we counsel, as well as our own lives.  We’ve seen it reconcile marriages that seemed broken beyond repair.  We’ve seen it rebuild trust where it had been destroyed.  We’ve seen it bring hope into

To the full-length post originally published on this site.