
David Hume, the Scottish agnostic, defending suicide once said this, “If we do not hesitate to divert the waters of a great river like the Nile from its course, why would we hesitate to divert from the body a few streams of blood? But men are held to life not by argument, but by conscience and by faith. There is on the one side the mysterious, also undefinable sense, of sacredness of life, but on the other hand, there is this dread of fleeing from the ills of life to others we know not of.”

What I find fascinating about this particular introduction from this man is that he understands that there’s a sacredness of life and the only thing that really keeps man from taking his life is the understanding of sacredness, of conscience, and the fact that life is bigger than the life itself. Too often those who are moving into the realm of suicide have not come to understand that there’s something valuable about their life. There’s something more important to life. But yet, they’ve been consumed with things that are sometimes beyond their control. I want to propose to you today that God has

To the full-length post originally published on this site.