by Francis Tibayan

All marriages face disagreements. All Christian couples should agree that marriage sanctifies. Dave Harvey titled his popular book, “When Sinners Say I Do,” cleverly encapsulating the reality of each spouse’s condition. Because we’re sinners, it is wise to cultivate healthy habits in your marriage so that you’ll be on a good trajectory towards enjoying God together. Here are three helpful strategies to increase health in your marriage.

1. Seek Help
It’s easy to become isolated in your marriage despite constantly being around people. Satan persuades us that no one needs to know what is going on in our marriages. The serpent slithers between husband and wife. Didn’t Satan whisper lies into Eve’s ear? Eve should have ran to her Father and told him about the lies. Adam could have called for help. They needed outside eyes. As such, healthy marriages don’t live in isolation but in shared life (Heb. 10:24-25). Every marriage needs eyes outside of themselves to point out blind spots and shore up weaknesses. Another godly perspective brings clarity (1 Peter 4:11). While a spouse seeking outside help may want a referee, what couples really need is a coach– someone reminding you that you’re

To the full-length post originally published on this site.