The early promise of social media is that it would help us make friends. But as it has matured, it seems better suited to help us make enemies. Long gone are the happy days when it was all about connecting with others around shared interests. Today it seems to major in beating down others others over differences. If our social media world has given us new ways of making friends, it has also given us new ways of making enemies.

Jesus once addressed the ways we relate to our enemies and his teaching is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. It’s as relevant to the people who tweet evil as the ones who speak it to our faces, as relevant to the people who try to shame us virtually as the ones who do so in our presence. Those who become Christians accept his challenge to live according to a new ethic, to a new way of life. We learn that whenever we feel a “natural” response to a situation, we need to examine it in the light of the Bible to ask, Is this the kind of behavior that marks a follower of Christ?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.