Man Up, Kneel Down and Lions for Ajax are now available for pre-order at a 10% discount, expected to ship in late August.

About Man Up, Kneel Down

Many Christian husbands know and affirm the apostle Paul’s command: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).

Man Up Kneel Down: Shepherding Your Wife Toward Greater Joy in Jesus is a street-level, biblically saturated, gospel-centered guide for guys who want to lead their families well by serving their wives. With accessible chapters, humor, application questions, and more, Man Up Kneel Down offers the Christian husband a guide to shepherd his wife with intentionality amidst the demands of life.

About Lions for Ajax

If children question their gender, how can parents act with faith and love, rather than react with fear?

Through their daily interactions with neighbors who are being bullied, the Trellert boys learn to honor God with their masculinity. Can even the bullies be drawn to the beauty and symmetry of God’s design for masculinity and femininity?

Matthew Trellert experiences anguish over his God-given gender. Through reliance on the Holy Spirit, his parents, Joe and Lisa, are able to interact with

To the full-length post originally published on this site.