I recently decided to start slowly reading through church history while taking careful notes to help with my retention. I opened my note-taking app and found … notes I had taken while slowly reading through church history. Not only had I forgotten the history, but I’d forgotten the notes! This is an uphill battle…

Today’s Kindle deals include some good books that rarely go on sale.

(Yesterday on the blog: Little Mud Puddles at Night)

The Great Distraction

I believe we are experiencing one of the most significant periods of distraction in modern history. It’s happening right in front of us, and we’re not cluing in. Like the jewelry store attendant(s), we are overwhelmed with the number of people and situations that are vying for our attention. We are inundated with news, ideas, emotions, ideologies, and data. Social media, politics, economics, and conspiracy occupy our minds at an alarming rate. Each day we become more polarized in our viewpoints about what is true and what is false. Many of us have been thrown into a state of confusion and have become completely oblivious to what is actually happening.”

Why J.I. Packer Signed “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (and Why

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.