Good morning! The Lord be with you today.

I only dug up a couple of Kindle deals, but will look again in the morning.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Family Update, Six Months Later)

I Could Never Do That

This is a good insight from Amy Medina, and one that probably applies to each of us in different ways. “The truth is, sometimes we say, I can’t when really what we mean is I won’t. It just feels so much better–to ourselves and the people around us–to say I can’t.”

Honour Your Mother: The Practical From the Biblical

Ian Carmichael: “Mother’s Day matters threefold for me—I have a mother, my wife is a mother, and my daughter is also now a mother. So, better late than never, I thought I’d turn my mind to the Bible to see what it says about how I should relate to my mother.”

9 Things You Should Know About Child and Infant Mortality

Joe Carter offers nine things you should know about child and infant mortality.

We Must Learn the Skills to Resist Sexual Temptation

Randy Alcorn: “How do we resist the devil, particularly in the area of sexual temptation? We all have

To the full-length post originally published on this site.