Truth In Love · TIL 270: The Method of Biblical Counseling

Dale Johnson: This week on the podcast, we are continuing to discuss the definition of biblical counseling. We have broken the definition up into three portions. Dr. Sam Stephens is here with me, our Director of Training Center Certification, and we are discussing this idea of the definition of biblical counseling. We do this to attempt to make clarity. Again, we’re not perfect. I’m actually a little disappointed, Sam, that our definition is not in longer so we can have this discussion for more weeks because this has been quite fun.

We get to the third section where we try to describe the method. We try to describe what this looks like. Often, we are critiqued in the biblical counseling world from those who practice integration—or even the secular world—who say that biblical counseling really doesn’t have a methodology. The Bible doesn’t explain what we should do in a counseling setting.

I think that’s an unfortunate perspective and we try to address that in simple terms here. I’m actually working right now on fleshing that out in more of a full-length book that I hope to to release

To the full-length post originally published on this site.