Our world has existing and often opposing views on how to help those who struggle. David Powlison, in Seeing with New Eyes, lifts God’s view of counseling to the fore, inviting us to share in his progression of thoughts through a coherent collection of articles that spans 18 years of his ministry.

Using specific passages in Scripture, Powlison walks the reader through how to connect the truths of God’s Word with particular problems people face in life.

He begins by showing that Ephesians is a practical, face-to-face theology where God teaches us to speak truth directly into people’s lives. As Christ has invaded history to make peace, we must ask for boldness that by grace we would always connect change in people’s lives to God’s work in Christ. Powlison explores the themes of leadership and submission in Ephesians, helping us understand that our various roles do not sit in tension with, but flow from our common calling, so that those in authority over others won’t lord it over them, but lead with gentleness. Powlison teaches us how we can incorporate Scripture into everyday life as the Apostle Paul did when he quoted poets of the day organically (Acts 17:28; 1

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