“For Thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness.”

2 Samuel 22:29

Am I in the light? Then Thou, O LORD, art my lamp. Take Thee away and my joy would be gone; but as long as Thou art with me, I can do without the torches of time and the candles of created comfort. What a light the presence of God casts on all things! We heard of a lighthouse which could be seen for twenty miles, but our Jehovah is not only a God at hand, but far off is He seen, even in the enemy’s country. O LORD, I am as happy as an angel when Thy love fills my heart. Thou art all my desire.

Am I in the dark? Then thou, O LORD, wilt lighten my darkness. Before long things will change. Affairs may grow more and more dreary and cloud may be piled upon cloud; but if it grow so dark that I cannot see my own hand, still I shall see the hand of the LORD. When I cannot find a light within me, or among my friends, or in the whole world, the LORD, who said, “Let

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.