
For children the struggles, the desires, and the hope are no different than for those of us who are adults. It’s not like children need something esoteric. We’re not looking for what’s different with children. The struggles, the desires, and the hope are no different than they are with adults. If you’ve been counseling adults, you can counsel children. You really can! This is there’s not some esoteric counseling-children-field. Of course you want to use language that they can understand, but many of you are parents and you’re used to doing that. You’ve been doing that for for years and years now.

Maya’s Story

Let me begin by telling you about a little 11 year-old-girl, who I’m going to call Maya, that I had the sweet privilege of getting to work with a while back. This convinced me, if I hadn’t been convinced before, that children struggle with the same desires adults struggle with. They are lured by the same lies that adults fall prey to. They find hope in the same source where adults find hope—in our Lord and Savior.

Children, like adults, wrestle with profound thoughts and questions. I was struck by

To the full-length post originally published on this site.