I made it safely home on Saturday and am now into my second two-week quarantine. I was told at the border that unless I remain completely separate from the rest of my household, they have to quarantine with me. So now the three of us are confined to the house until the end of the month! Canada is taking this stuff seriously, I guess…

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a good selection of books, some for general readers and some for academics.

Woe Is Me

Abigail Dodds has a good article on the sin of self-pity. “What’s interesting about self-pity is that, while it is generally recognized as a negative trait among Christians and non-Christians, it is not a word you can find in the Bible. It isn’t found in the Epistles’ vice lists or among the seven deadly sins.”

Pastor, Beware Of Subtle Self-Promotion

“These days, the venue for ministerial self-promotion isn’t a glossy postcard but a carefully-curated Twitter account. But we need to return to this issue of self-promotion because so many pastors and ministers appear to be walking lock-step with a trend the Bible so clearly discourages.”

Why Faith Church Listens to the Health Department

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.