I want to express my appreciation to Reformed Free Publishing Association for sponsoring the blog this week with news of their new book I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 for Children.

(Yesterday on the blog: Embracing Complementarianism)

The 4 Kinds of Books You (Almost) Never Need to Read

Samuel James: “Nobody wants to read foolishly. There are, however, things you can remember to avoid doing it. Here’s a quick list of four kinds of books that you almost never need to read. As always, remember that these are reliable generalizations, not absolute rules; you may find the rare example of a book in one of these genres that’s actually good.”

Can I trust the CSB, MEV, or NLT? (Video)

Mark Ward’s brief video on these translations is a good one.

Miracle or Providence?

Like Jesse, I sometimes find people inadvertently cheapen providence by speaking too freely of miracles.

5 Effects of Expository Preaching on a Church

Anand Samuel: “To publicly herald God’s Word is an act of worship (2 Tim. 2:15), and a stewardship for which we’ll give an account. Here are five ways expository preaching beautifies Christ’s bride.”


“Last night my stomach tightened

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.