A few days ago here in the Ozarks, we had a fierce wind storm that came out of nowhere. I watched as it violently shook the trees that line my property. Later on, as I drove around town, I saw the downed branches and minor damage it caused. It was brief but so unexpected that it took me by surprise.

Often that is how sudden and fierce anxiety can arise within our hearts. The day starts great, but then out of nowhere we get troubling news, or someone says or does something that greatly affects us. Maybe it has to do with work performance, church ministry, or a family member.

I’m sure I could be here all day listing the different scenarios that stir up anxiety in our hearts. But I don’t have to keep listing, because that thing that you are anxious about, it probably came to mind as soon as you read the title of this blog post.

Anxiety is such an upleasant feeling and we know it’s not what God wants for our lives. He repeately tells us in His Word not to worry. So when we are struggling with anxiety what are

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.