by Anna Mondal

In Part 3, we looked at ways for pastors to speak and act with wisdom as they care for the vulnerable. As they are clothed with compassion and humility, pastors can help and not further harm victims of abuse. In this final installment, we’ll briefly discuss abuse prevention, resources for church safeguarding, and final thoughts on victim care. 

Prevent Abuse: Safeguard your Church

It’s important to care for victims of past abuse. But it’s equally crucial for pastors to proactively build systems and policies that help prevent abuse from happening in real time in their own church context. Whatever the ecclesiastical structure, pastors have a voice in how they choose leaders and run ministries. They have power to create a safe environment for the vulnerable. But they also risk being careless or selfish with that power, thus making the house of God a safe place for criminals (Matt. 21:13). [1]

Many Protestant churches in North America are years behind on safeguarding policies and uneducated about common behaviors of predators and pedophiles. [2] When predators are actively abusing in ministry contexts, churches often “didn’t know because they didn’t want to know.” [3] This is an entire book-length topic.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.