One of the great joys of having a blog is the ability to direct my readers to other writers. Today I’m especially excited to share so much great writing from a number of talented believers.

Logos users will want to pick up their free and very inexpensive books (commentaries!) of the month. Also, don’t forget to use your one-time 30% off code on an order before September 8.

Today’s Kindle deals include at least a couple I haven’t seen on sale in the past.

(Yesterday on the blog: New: Check out SquareQuotes)

When Change and Tears Are Passed

I love this: “I called my grandmother a few weeks ago, when I felt myself giving into the feelings of loneliness, fear, and discouragement. She encouraged me to stop watching the news and go outside. I brushed it off at first, chalking it up to her grandmotherliness, always down on the internet and an avid proponent of the outdoors. … But finally, at twenty, I think I’m beginning to understand her reasoning. It’s not just her grandmotherly tendency, it’s her grandmotherly wisdom.”

A Letter to Wives Who Are Wondering: Is it Abuse?

Darby Strickland offers some wise counsel to women

To the full-length post originally published on this site.