Toronto is the most diverse city in the world which means that Toronto churches are among the most diverse churches in the world. If over fifty percent of the people who live in the city were born in a country other than Canada, which is exactly the case, then in all probability over fifty percent of the people who attend church in the city were born in a country other than Canada. It is rare that a church here does not have members from a number of different nations—often, as is the case with my church, twenty-five or thirty of them. And this means, of course, that Toronto churches have had the joy of learning how to thrive amid a culture of diversity.

A few years ago we met as members of Grace Fellowship Church in what we called a “Diversity Roundtable.” The idea was simply to discuss what it means to be a diverse church and to consider how we can do diversity well. Over several hours we did lots of talking and lots of listening. I took extensive notes and narrowed them down to these 7 points of application that came from the membership. I’ve shared

To the full-length post originally published on this site.