Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

There are so many good Kindle deals to consider today and they cover a variety of topics. Empowered and Equipped is for women who teach the Bible; Preaching Christ in All of Scripture is for preachers; What’s Best Next is for those with an interest in productivity; and so on.

iThink Therefore iAm

This is a very interesting one from Brad Littlejohn. “The onward march of progressive social norms is not a historical inevitability, nor the result of superior ideas. It is at least in part the result of changes in our technological environment. Of course, there is no closing Pandora’s Box. Digital technology is here to stay. But thankfully we don’t need to abandon it; we just need to start subjecting it to the kinds of norms and laws we take for granted in other domains.”

Is Hyper-Cessationism a Fair Term?

Ryan Denton has written another entry in his consideration of whether some forms of cessationism have actually become something like hyper-cessationism.

10 Ways to Fracture Your Church

Conrad Mbewe: “You only have to be a Christian for a short time before

To the full-length post originally published on this site.