Ministry to children and teens is different from ministering to adults. Many ministry workers avoid children and teens, knowing it requires a different approach. We can often make the mistake of relating to children as we do with adults, when many young people simply cannot interact at an adult level. If we want kids and teens to open up about their world, and if we want to minister to them effectively, we need to connect to them in a way that makes them feel understood and known. This means we do what we can to meet them where they are developmentally. It requires working hard to see life through their eyes. This practice reflects the heart of Jesus, who reminded us that we must become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven and that whoever receives a child in his name receives him (Matthew 18:2–4).

It is valuable to know young people both individually and developmentally. We can then speak into their world and help them understand themselves and their need for the Lord. At the same time, it’s important to remember that the temptations, struggles and needs of the human heart remain the same regardless of the stage

To the full-length post originally published on this site.