Our culture is undergoing necessary restrictions because of the novel coronavirus. The consequences are creeping into our behavior, influencing habits, and affecting the joys of human interaction. These changes began slowly, as our culture sought to follow the rules of social distancing with the admirable goal of protecting others as well as ourselves from becoming ill. After many months, the impact of these measures is being felt.

Whole segments of our population cannot have human touch. The most vulnerable are lying in nursing homes, without family visits and the hugs that are brought into lonely bedrooms. Those suffering in hospital wards, possibly dying, have no family member by their side. Compassionate nurses try to find time amidst their responsibilities to hold a telephone to their patient’s ear or hold a hand through gloves. Singles lack any physical interaction, not even those awkward side-hugs we see in church. Lonely people in hard marriages go weeks without positive contact. Even a hand placed on a shoulder in sympathy speaks volumes to these hurting people.

Those in healthy relationships are experiencing loss as well. We have seen videos on the internet of family members giving and receiving hugs through plastic sheeting. Some churches

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