Climbing “Le Môle”

We had heard about the mountain hike and the great view from the top of “Le Môle.”1 So, one day we decided to hike up to see it. About a quarter of the way up, while we were still in the forest, I thought to myself, “Hmm. Hold on. This isn’t much fun. It’s harder than I was expecting. I am tired. Maybe we should just turn around and go home. Why am I doing this? Is it worth it?” And then I remembered: We were doing it for the view from the top. The fatigue and perspiration were for a purpose: we wanted to see the famous view. So, we kept on going. It was hard, but we finally made it. And once we got to the top, the view was so amazing that we forgot about the pain. We sat up there and enjoyed the panorama and were glad we persevered. The view was worth the pain.

Remember Your Destination 

Trials are like climbing “Le Môle.” They are hard. We wonder when (or if) they will end. What is the biblical truth that will help us to persevere? Romans 8:18 says, “For I consider that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.