There are some interesting titles available today over on the Kindle deals page.

(Yesterday on the blog: No Hand But His Ever Holds the Shears)

RBG’S Dying Wish

Clint Archer: “The death of RBG should cause all of us to pause and consider. It must be difficult to be a judge and then have the gavel reclaimed in death, to be judged for every decision, action, word, thought, and motive of your life. But this will be the experience of us all at some point, and brings true equality for all; death is the ultimate equalizer.” (See also Al Mohler’s Fast and Furious: The Battle for the Supreme Court is Shaping Up Right Now.)

Was the Divinity of Jesus a Late Invention of the Council of Nicea?

Michael Kruger answers. “One of the most common objections to Christianity is that the divinity of Jesus was ‘created’ by later Christians long after the first century.  No one in primitive Christianity believed Jesus was divine, we are told.  He was just a man and it was later believers, at the council of Nicea, that declared him to be a God.”

They Told the Truth Even When It Hurt

Tim Barnett of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.